Soil & Site Evaluations

Subsurface Septic Options
Let Ground Truth provide you the necessary soil information to help you decide to purchase a piece of property or to maximize a proposed subdivision.
"Perc" Tests and Soil Mapping
Septic System Layouts and Designs
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Testing
Advanced Wastewater Septic Options
Ground Truth is experienced in determining advanced septic options for properties with difficult soils and site constraints.
Subsurface Drip Systems
Surface Application Systems
Advanced Pretreatment

Seasonal High Water Table Determinations
Ground Truth has completed hundreds of seasonal high water table (SHWT) determinations to assist in finding the proper site and size for stormwater control measures.
Infiltration and Saturated Conductivity Testing
Infiltration testing is required to properly design infiltration-type stormwater control measures. Testing can be completed at the existing soil surface using double-ring infiltrometers or below grade using permeameters.